In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Day 292 - Setting Sun


Well, that worked out better than expected!

As I was driving home I realised that it's getting dark earlier and earlier, and I suppose we will be putting the clocks back in a few short weeks...available light for getting a decent Photo of the Day is fading daily...

So when I got home, I grabbed the camera and went for a wander around the garden, looking for subjects. 

I got a couple of shots of one of our robin's, but the light was poor...

I got a shot of a crow landing in the field, a lovely profile silhouette...and all blurred and out of focus because it was a true snapshot...

I got a vaguely interesting shot of the top 25% of a large tree over the road, all lit up in the golden evening sun...but it really was only vaguely interesting, and too similar to yesterday's photo to be a serious contender.

I was beginning to give up, and heading back in, hoping that one of the photo's of the robin would come out ok, when I realised the Sun was setting. 

For some reason I'd absently assumed that I couldn't point the camera straight at the Sun...I tried a few shots of trees, and a bird on the wire (avoiding including the sun in the shot), but they seemed a little washed out.  

Still, whilst I was there I figured I might as well take a few shots with the Sun, to see what they might come out like. 

I was really pleased to find they'd captured some of the warmth of the light, and I like the aura effect around the Sun too.

In fact, I found that of all the shots I took, I liked those that included the Sun the most.

bird on a wire

Here I decided to frame it a little differently, and catch a little more context.  Again, I'm pleased with the glare below the sun, and the crow sitting on the wire gives the shot some scale.

Maybe as the evenings draw in over the next few weeks, I'll take the opportunity to practise, and refine my sunset skills...

I'll keep you posted!


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