In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Day 5 - Pictures of Drawings of Photos

My boyz

Honestly, how cute are they?! 

This is a digital image taken by me, of an amazing analogue drawing by my lovely and talented daughter Kim, of a photograph taken by me, of my boyz Jazz and Bluez, when they were about 9 weeks old, in September 2001...

JazzyB and Bloobz...Jaybles and Bigdog...Ahm-ah-have Mah-dinner-Jazz and Hans Bruez...Limpet and Fatboy...

So many names, so few explanations for where they all came from, or how they applied...

Kim is good though, eh?!  This photo really doesn't do it justice (see previous entry!).

I can really see my boys: ( :-p to Anna)

Bluez already has that wrinkled, concerned frown that he wore for most of his life, until perhaps his latter years, when Anna somehow soothed his concerns and chilled him out.  She was the only one he ever really 100% trusted...she's awesome too!

And lovely little Jazzer (there's another one), sitting at the back as ever, keen yet patient as he waits his turn, or to see what's next...

Honestly, I can just cry, looking at this pic of Bloobs...I so miss the old fella...we all do buddy, if you're listening...


  1. Hi Tone. That's a really nice drawing. Looking forward to further entertainment...

  2. Kim is very talented and because of that, you have the perfect moment frozen forever of 2 of your best friends in life.

    If you believe in souls then perhaps it would comfort you to know my theory that, through the passage of time, souls meet and diverge and if we're lucky, meet again. In a seemingly infinite Universe... anything is possible! :)
