In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Day 338 - From A to J


Of all the tasks on my burgeoning To Do list at work, this is one that I'm hoping never quite makes it far enough up the priority list that I have to actually do it.

This, hidden away in a dark, rarely visited corner of the warehouse at Quatropi Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as QHQ), is the Quatropi Communications Hub.

At least, we think there's a communications hub somewhere in the midst of this rat's nest of cabling...

My task is to audit the equipment, work out what it all is, what's connected to what, and generally take over management of the internal networks (both wired and wireless), along with the internal phone systems.

do what now?

I think I'm going to recommend the immediate purchase of a new warehouse!

Although, obviously, I am fully committed to improving these particular services...honest, guv' is on my To Do list, after all...

Anyway, apropos of nothing, I noticed a curious fact at work today. 

Where I used to work, there was a statistically significant over-abundance of people whose names begin with the letter A.  

Working directly for me, out of thirteen staff, were Adil, Akhlaq, Anil and Asim (and Aaron left recently).  My boss was Ange, and in the wider team were Ann, Alun, Ash, Abdullah, and Amanda.

That's eleven out of around 30-35 staff...what are the odds of that?!

This morning I realised that of the seven staff that are predominantly based in my new office, four of them are Jools, James, Jamie and Jo...(and I'm a part-time Jonny, as you know)

Even longer odds, I would think!

Given that in both cases the most senior person has the initial in question, I think there's some subtle cherry-picking going on...the bosses subconsciously favour employees with the same initial, in the mistaken assumption that there is some implied affinity.

Hmm, when I was a boss I did employ a Tony...

Heading off at yet another random tangent, whilst taking a photo of the Comms Hub, I also noticed another of the oddities that can be found around QHQ...

Consider this photograph of another corner of the warehouse...


That's all well and good, I hear you say, but not exactly interesting or unusual...

But wait, what's that on top of the white first floor office unit in the corner?

ooh, interesting

Why, I do declare - there appears to be a go-kart sat on a palette up there in the roof space. 

Of course there is!

Now there's something for my To Do list that I could really give some priority to - build an indoor karting circuit and run hot-lap competitions at lunchtimes!

Let's do it!


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