In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Day 364 - Zero Points of Contact

fly like a dog

This photo perfectly captures the way I've been feeling for the last few days, and the nearer I get to the end of my mammoth towards the finishing post, floating a few inches off the ground!

It was very cold overnight, and there was a heavy frost...apparently!  I was only up early enough to catch the tail end of it, and Anna missed it completely...

By the time we were out with The Boy Wonder, late morning, it was a beautiful day - crisp, clear, sunny and not too chilly. 

I'm not really sure how many will turn up for my little end-of-blog celebration this evening, but I think we're about ready for them!

It hasn't been all plain sailing, to be sure...

Most notably, last night I finally killed the of the electric motors burned out, sparking and smoking and stinking the house out.  Even though it's a Dyson Animal (not a cheap vacuum cleaner, and designed specifically for dealing with, you know, animals), it seems that after years of heavy use (and abuse), dealing with Jazz, Bluez, Loz and Maisie fur...the thicker, coarser hair of Robin (The Boy Wonder) proved just too much for it. 

Anna has accumulated enough Nectar points to more or less buy a replacement, so we booked one for collection from Argos way can we have a party without hoovering through!

So Anna just nipped off to Argos to collect it...valiantly fought her way through the Xmas shopping masses, parked, went into the shop, got in the queue...and realised she'd forgotten her Nectar card...D'oh!!!

That puts our schedule, already way behind (natch), even further out of kilter.

Ah well, none of it really matters, does it?   Which is nicely in keeping with this whole blog, I suppose!

It's just a bit of a fun get together this evening...primarily a chance for me to bang on about my blog a bit more, and force everyone to look through thousands of photo's which are of only passing interest to anyone who isn't me...

Mwahahaha, feel the power!

Oops, gave the game away a bit there...hopefully they won't read this before turning up, at which point it'll be too late - they will be mine!!


I'm going to wrap up this penultimate post with this lovely action shot...

release the hound!

The Boy was full of beans this morning, and could hardly contain himself once we were over the orchard...having been made to sit patiently for a few minutes, once released, his enthusiasm and exuberance were infectious.  

I hope this evening will be as enthusiastic and exuberant...and I hope that if I'm feeling that way, it will be in some small way infectious...I hope a good time will be had by all...

I'll see you back here tomorrow, for the final (and probably lengthy) 5oh1aday waffle...

Don't miss it!


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