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Rather than bore you repeatedly with endless climbing photo's, instead I'm going to try to bring you a series of unusual boulder shapes...
Of course, I'm still going to talk about climbing,and I'm still going to bring you climbing photo's...maybe just not every day.
Today we went to Rocher Fin, in la Foret de Trois Pignons....we call it three pigeons, but it actually means three hills or something like that. It's a lovely, big, sandy forest of both broad leaf and pine, and we had a gorgeous sunny day to enjoy it.
We climbed on the Orange Circuit, for the most part, at a grade of Assez Difficile...it was fun, and we all climbed pretty well. It was Jezz's first day on Font rock, so he was finding his feet as we were rediscovering ours.
We did around 25-30 problems, which bodes fairly well for Jezz's 40@40@Font Challenge - to climb 40 problems in a day, at Font, at the age of 40...we're hopefully doing that on Tuesday.
Anyway, we all flagged at various times today - we all have ridiculously demanding jobs, working long hours with a lot of responsibility and the ever-present stress that goes with it, and so we're all very tired to be starting this holiday...and of course we had that long and tiring journey yesterday...
Actually, I was fine all day climbing, but flagged seriously on the long walk back to the car (we'd gone a long way into la foret to avoid the inevitable Sunday crowds).
And of course I was up at first light this morning, as seems to be becoming annoyingly standard of late...So, you know, poor me, or whatever...
So rather than bore you with all of that, I bring you...
Boulders that look like things!
The boulder pictured above immediately said "turtle" to Anna...it looks just like Crush from Finding Nemo!
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As we wander la foret over the next few days, I'll keep my eye out for more boulders that look like things!
I know, right?!
You're so lucky - it's almost like having your own personal internet, right there at your fingertips whenever you need it!
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