In which I take a photo every day that I'm 50, and post it here on this blog, with a bit of related blurb.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Day 214 - Neuro-Synchronicity


Oddly, it was only this morning that Jiminy Cricket hopped and skipped his way through my mind, and then this evening whilst walking Jazz down the lane we met this little fellow.

I was on a management and leadership course (I know, right?), and following a discussion on Values, we were asked to spend a few minutes thinking about our own personal values.  The idea was that in order to lead, you need to know yourself, be firm and considered in your values, and understand how they correlate (or not) with the values of the organisation within which you're leading.

Really, it's not as dull as it sounds! 

Ok, maybe it is - but I found it interesting...and as I pondered my values, I considered how the concept of following my conscience is a fundamental value of my life, (and the idea of which brought with it Jiminy Cricket, tripping along my neurological pathways...).   

Everyone else was talking about values in brief, abstract phrases, such as honesty, caring, and respect.

Some seemed nonsensical to me, such as loyalty (you may value it, but it's not a value - it's a characteristic, isn't it?).

Or the even odder timekeeping (the basis for which seemed to be "I hate it when people are late, it makes me so angry"...which I translates to me as "I hate it when people don't understand that I'm considerably more important than their own insignificant agenda's and life challenges!").

But my values were all more concrete and specific, and I suppose more philosophical:

- Always let your conscience be your guide...

- Treat others as you would be treated...

- Everyone has the right to be who they are (although not necessarily to impose themselves on anyone else)...

- People are more important than money...and more broadly,

- Living beings are more important than inanimate objects...

So anyway, apparently I'm still pondering these notions...I'm not sure the above is a complete set, but I'm comfortable that what's there are all solid aspirations/values of mine.

Consequently, when we heard the familiar chirrup of crickets down the lane this evening, it seemed opportunistically pertinent, like a little reminder of my earlier musings...and made for some obvious blog fodder, of course!

This is a Roesel's Bush-cricket, quite common across Europe...but still, not something you see every day, and a nice addition to my species collection (insect department)!

On the course this morning, the Trainer commented that she got the impression that I'm more reflective than most...which seemed a polite way of putting it - and I suppose it's true.

I can live with that...


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